In 1977, the creation of a science fair at Fundação Liberato was proposed by teacher Alberto Dal Molin Filho to the Executive Director at that time, teacher Orlando Razzera. After the development of a consistent project and its aproval, the 1st Feicit (School Science and Technology Fair) took place, in 1978, with the participation of 277 projects.
Opening of the 1st Mostratec
In 1993, in order to meet the interest of Brazilian technical schools to show the results of their projects developed in the classroom, Mostratec becomes a national fair.
In 1994, Mostratec starts to receive research projects from other countries, becoming one of the main educational events of the country, and being called International Exhibition of Science and Technology.
From 2009 on, Mostratec stops taking place in the buildings of Fundação Liberato. Fenac – Business and Events Center – belonging to Novo Hamburgo City Hall -RS, now houses the science fair, providing a better infrastructure and greater visibility for the exhibition of the science projects. Companies and universities from the region support and participate actively increasing the exchange of expertise among students and professionals, from Brazil and abroad.
In 2011, Mostratec innovates once again, creating Junior Mostratec, opening space for research projects developed by Elementary School students from the city of Novo Hamburgo-RS.
In 2014, besides High School and Technical-Professional Education of Middle Level and Elementary School projects, students from Early Childhood Education also start to present their scientific research projects.
In 2018, Mostratec has over 750 projects, some of them even developed by students at the age of 4.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Mostratec was held virtually in 2020 and 2021.
Mostratec has inspired research and contributed to spreading knowledge about the organization of school fairs among many institutions. It has also contributed for the rise of new researchers and professionals with the capacity to innovate and propose solutions.
Thus, Mostratec has become a reference in promoting technological research and innovation for the national and international community.
List of countries that have already participated of Mostratec (in alphabetical order)
- Argentina
- Azerbaijan
- Bolivia
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Ecuador
- France
- Germany
- India
- Indonesia
- Kazakhstan
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Namibia
- Nigeria
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Philippines
- Portugal
- Romania
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Taiwan
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
List of Brazilian states that have already participated of Mostratec (in alphabetical order)
- Acre
- Alagoas
- Amapá
- Amazonas
- Bahia
- Ceará
- Distrito Federal
- Espirito Santo
- Goiás
- Maranhão
- Mato Grosso
- Mato Grosso do Sul
- Minas Gerais
- Pará
- Paraíba
- Paraná
- Piauí
- Rio de Janeiro
- Rio grande do Norte
- Rio Grande do Sul
- Rondônia
- Roraima
- Santa Catarina
- São Paulo
- Sergipe
- Tocantins